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  • Doing Business In Colombia

Doing Business In Colombia

08 April 2022

Colombia has been characterized in recent years by its economic progress, positioning itself as one of the most attractive countries in Latin America for investment, as it has a stable economy; this has been certified by the World Bank, which considers Colombia as one of the countries with the best confidence and security indexes.

Colombia is one of the best located countries in Latin America for doing business, as it has one of the world’s largest dispatch centers, with maritime exits on the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, which connect Latin America with Central America, North America, and Europe. It has 10 seaports and 4 air cargo ports, which facilitates foreign trade operations.

The Colombian legal framework protects direct investment on a large scale, facilitating business development, encouraging foreign investment, and guaranteeing stability for investors.

This document has been created to cover the relevant and current issues according to the current Colombian regulations on tax, commercial, labor, and corporate matters, among others, with the aim of providing general and detailed information about the system.

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